Tryouts will be Aug 1 - 3. We'll start 9:00 sharp and go until 11:30.
Monday, we'll start on the track in tennis shoes, then move to field by
9:30. Please wear cleats and Shin Guards for the rest of tryouts.
Please bring plenty of water.
Just like last year, the registration process in all on-line. The only
form we will collect will be the Physical Form A. Everything else will
be submitted on line. Please use the following link to start
registration on the
RegisterMyAthlete website:
If this is your first year, you need to create a login, then you can register your athlete. Fees are not collected until after tryouts.
Please complete the online registration, except Fees and Physical Form A BEFORE tryouts August 1st.
Medical Physical
Each player will need a Physical "Form A" completed AFTER tryouts (8/3), but BEFORE first game (8/9). Forms are found on the
website towards the end of the process. We need to collect these before
our first game 8/9. Please make appointments now for the physical,
since there is a very short window to get these completed. Form B are no
longer accepted.
Fees for 2016 are finalized. There are no fees for tryouts, only players
that make the team will pay fees. The player registration fees for all
admin costs is $90. Also, each player must pay $175.00 for player pack
apparel items. Player pack include 2 game shorts, 2 game socks, hat
, warm up long sleeve, sweatshirt, and game day shirt. All player pack items are kept
by the player. Jerseys are owned by the school and will be handed out
and collects back after the season. So total amount due is $265.00.
Please pay in the NHS Main office starting 8/3 and bring Coach Auger a
receipt by 8/9.
We'll post tryout results each night on this website by 5:00. We'll post
the first initial and last name of players that are invited back for
the next day.